Friday, September 23, 2011

sculpt update

Its been a while since my last blog post but I think its time I give another update :) 

End of second year uni is fast coming to an end and my brain is spinning with things I need to get done, but I'm confident that if I don't slack off I should be ok. I've really been enjoying my compositing and game design class because of the 3d component as well as the excitement of adventuring into the unknown to learn new techniques. This semester has made me more confused then ever before about what I want to do for my career... down the track. For me its been an on going battle as to whether I should focus my studies on 3D game design or 3D film design. I enjoyed compositing a lot this semester because of its challenges and rewarding final product on the other hand I like the 3D aspect of modeling for games. I think in the end I'm going to be happy doing work on games or film and that it doesn't really matter what I do because I will always enjoy creating stuff in any medium.  

This semester has been really busy for me and I haven't had a lot of free time to create personal stuff or draw but I do have one or two things to post up as always :] 

Been mucking about with a program called Sculptris,
 I hope to learn Zbrush better down the track...

Speed model I did on, I managed to get 2nd place :] 

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