Saturday, May 28, 2011

Uni break :) :)

Well uni break is finally here, after 14weeks of fun, pain and suffering I can finally take a break and chill or find a job :/ Job hunting has been difficult so far and I haven't really managed to find anything. I've also been searching around for some work experience but haven't had any luck mainly because ppl are to busy or away overseas. One guy in America who is working on a movie called "Spiders 3D" did contact me after I posted my show reel on asking If I wanted to do an internship at the VFX studio but I declined mainly because I can't travel to America and I don't know how legitimate the post was.

Anyways I managed to work through a few more UDK tutorials and so far I'm really enjoying making game environments. I also really surprised by how quickly you can achieve good results in UDK... I will be giving unity a skip just for the fact that UDK is awesome. 
tut I am working through to learn the udk interface. I didnt make any of the objects
Managed to get a few more drawings done over the past few days to help train my artistic eye. My art teacher introduced me to Conte crayon's which is pretty much a clay based crayon they used in the olden days before they had lead pencils. I've also started using Copic markers to create gray scale concept art and I want to develop my skills further with it. 

I missed last week's speed modelling challenge due to uni, but I hope to get something done this week...

Also need to think up a really awesome idea to make a game in UDK

Also found these interesting website and they really motivated me to get a move on and just focus on my studies!!!

1 comment:

  1. Should've come to the conference/pitch thing yesterday dude! Most of the pitches were average or worse, but there was one studio that stood out - they're making a game in Unity as a small team which actually looks really interesting.

    Check it:
